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Relative Risk of a high cost arising from Failure of that Asset.

Criticality analysis is the tool to use to improve reliability and manage plant assets based on risk instead of perception. The asset criticality ranking is used to help prioritize maintenance strategy analysis as well as corrective work. Criticality analysis can also be used to identify the characteristics that make each asset critical by providing valuable information to decide what actions will reduce risk for all plant assets.

Are you experiencing any of these problems?

  • Criticality not directly used for strategy developments

  • Plant community not fully aware of criticality

  • Time consuming and laborious assessments

  • Inefficient criticality distribution


  • Documented criticality assessment as baseline for all asset strategies developments.

  • Balanced distribution of maintenance strategies based on risk profiles.

  • Establishes solid baseline to gauge trade-off between maintenance coverage and risks

  • Enables fact-based decision making that supports business mission

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