Course Overview
The objective of this course is to interactively teach participants how to conduct and facilitate their own machinery FMECA’s. The participants will explore the key elements Failure Modes Effects & Criticality Analysis and practice conducting their own analysis using the core facilitation skills. Many of the exercises will be performed in groups of 4-5 minimum on a white board or paper. Each group will find a volunteer facilitator that will be responsible for leading the discussion. Facilitator skills and ground rules will be established.
Course Modules
Topics covered in detail throughout this course include:
Introduction to FMEA/FMECA
Setting Up For FMECA
The FMECA Process
Create the Block diagram
Constructing the hierarchy
Functional Failures
Failure Mode and Causes
Failure Severities / Effects
Criticality Ranking
Mitigating tasks
Post Mitigation Criticality
Group exercise
Summary – Process, Potential Barriers, Success Factors